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The first italian publisher in beekeeping and bee-sciences

Since 2011 Edizioni Montaonda tries to foster a book-culture in which the human looks at himself not as a dominator but as just one in the moltitude of different beings that populate the Earth. We try to publish skilly books, hostil to advanced capitalism, for good and happy life. Our principal skills are beekeeping, environment, ecological philosophy, with an attitude for beauty, graphic and photography. We have at present very few items of interest for the english reader, but we just started, and hope to grow fast. Our page in facebook is EDIZIONI MONTAONDA
feed rss Catalogue  Catalogue
Clara Gargano - Marco Motetta, Bee Tales2
Dimensions: 30,5 x 21,5 x 0,9 cm, 32 pages, hardcover series: Bimbimicabamba 03* ISBN 9788898-186174 price: 15.- euro on sell: November 2016 ...
Published on 11/05/2016
European Beekeeper T-Shirt
How do you say BEEKEEPER in the many and different european Languages? We wrote it on a Fruit of the Loom T-Shirt, to let you be recognized in every european Country Cotton 'Fruit of the Loom' 1 ...
Published on 03/10/2012
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